International standard version since they couldn t bring him to jesus because of the crowd they made an opening in the roof over the place where he was.
Paralytic through the roof.
2 and they brought to him a paralytic lying on a bed.
They usually had stairs on the outside so people could climb on the roof to get some fresh air.
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man but could not get inside so they made an opening in the roof above jesus and then lowered the man down.
Maybe they could somehow get inside the house through the roof.
Having lately come across the incident of the paralytic 1 who lay upon his bed beside the pool we discovered a.
Healing the paralytic let down through the roof in capernaum.
So the mean climbed on to the top of the roof carrying the paralyzed man.
For if the gold refiner sees how long he ought.
Houses in those days had flat roofs that were made of clay and straw.
Luke 5 18 25new international version niv 18 some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before jesus 19 when they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd right in front of jesus.
Your sins are forgiven 3 and some of the scribes said to themselves this fellowblasphemes 4 and jesus knowing their thoughts said why are you thinking evil in your hearts.
When jesus saw their faith he said to the paralyzed man son your sins are forgiven some of the teachers of the law interpreted this as blasphemy since god alone can forgive sins.
The implication is quite clear that the man was paralyzed because of past sins.
The men had an idea.
Healing the paralytic.
Let us not then be disturbed neither dismayed when trials befall us.
To hear the lord pronounce that his sins were forgiven lifted a great load from this man s guilty conscience.
Some have thought that removing the roof merely means that they took away the awning over the court and also that the removal of the tile merely means that they took down the parapet or wall which prevented people from falling from the roof into the court.
Jesus heals a paralyzed man the bible app for kids story through the roof teaches kids about the bible with fun videos coloring sheets activities and more.
They dug through it and let down the mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.
Roof and outside stairs leading up to the roof.
Jesus saw the faith of the four men and said to the paralyzed man friend your sins are forgiven.
Most likely then the paralytic who was let down through the roof was weighed down by a burden of guilt which he had carried rightly or wrongly for many years.
Seeing their faith jesus said to the paralytic take courage son.
C and let him down through the tiles with his couch into the midst before jesus.