Lg perform a bit better on the solar panel test.
Photon solar panel test results 2012.
Photon laboratory is focused primarily on performing yield measurements under standard test conditions stc evaluating weak light behavior and determining temperature coefficients.
The closer the value is to 100 the more efficiently it operates.
51 qixin solar electrical appliance sl230ce 30p 91 2 1 132 4 3 90 multi 4 2012 239 6 1 62 167 5 52 ch solar ch solar 180 mono 91 1 1 131 8 3 95 mono cn through 2010 4 2010 184 4 1 28 163 0 40 53 cnpv solar power cnpv 220p 91 1 1 131 1 4 01 multi cn 2006 7 2011 224 2 1 63 155 6 26.
The test series quickly became the world s largest of its kind.
Parameters and previous results are set out here.
Photon s 2013 outdoor test results.
Science technology i modules i test photon lab s outdoor module tests photon lab s outdoor module tests.
For the month of may the german federal network agency registered new pv systems with a total capacity of 446 3 mw.
The grades range from a to e.
Although much shorter than the iec test the photon rapid test is therefore much more informative due to the publication of the test results even when power losses are lower.
To make these results easier to comprehend the editorial staff drawing its inspiration from school report cards launched a grading system with its own testing certificates.
Results of june 2012 yield measurements aide solar aleo solar alex solar amerisolar apollo solar ase now with schott solar axitec bisol bosch solar bp solar calrays canadian solar ceeg solar ch solar chaori solar energy china sunergy.
Photon laboratory has tested solar modules and solar inverters since 2009.
Curs when solar panels are illuminated to different degrees by the sun for example if in the morning and evening hours the bottom row of the solar power system is in the shade while sunlight still falls on the upper rows 1 translated from photon photon test results independent testing demonstrates technology and performance.
Since the beginning of 2007 photon lab has employed its own inverter test methodology and regularly published results from those tests.
Photon yield measurement gold standard the photon laboratory began measuring the yield of solar modules already in 2004.
However the question of interest that remains is what can be inferred from the power losses established during the first 50 cycles of the module s operation.
German pv market at the volume of the record year 2012 in may.
You will pay a lot more for that but if you have a limited roof space it makes sense.
My take on the solar panel test results.
This solar panel test was made on a single panel purchased with no information of the testing intent.